How to Mix Bitcoins and Send Bitcoin Anonymously

Send Bitcoin Anonymously

Most people do not know the real truth about Bitcoin and for this reason, there refer to it as an anonymous currency. One true fact is that since Bitcoin was first launched, every transaction was first recorded in some kind of ledger called blockchain.

Right now, most people refer to Bitcoin as “pseudo-anonymous”.  All Bitcoin transactions can be traced back using digital wallets. The digital wallets can be used to send and receive them. While many individuals do not register their name or any information that has to do with the wallets, many people do so. Due to this reason, certain Law Enforcement Agencies have vested much interest in drawing connections between Bitcoin wallets and their real-life owners.

Do you know that you can send Bitcoin anonymously to any person in the world? All you need to do is to cover your track by making use of a wallet that cannot be traced by to you. To deposit funds into this wallet without leaving any trace, all you need to do is to “mix” the Bitcoin. You can then use the mixed Bitcoins to anonymously send and receive Bitcoins. Here are some legal examples

  • To make your purchase untraceable, without giving up identifying payment details or allowing e-commerce companies to sell your purchase history to advertising networks.
  • To make anonymous donations to companies and charity organizations
  • Hiding money in an account during an economic pestilence when assets are in danger of being seized by a government filled with corruption, the same is the situation in Venezuela
  • If you unknowingly receive Bitcoins that have been tainted, mixing them can make them useful again. For instance, Coinbase has rejected Bitcoins awarded from gambling sites.

Bitcoin mixing is also known as Bitcoin laundering and it makes use of a third-party service to break into connections between the source and the destination of the Bitcoins. In this article, we will take a detailed look at the basics and how it is done. Then, we will mention few things that you can do to “harden” this process, thus, improving security and anonymity.

In order to send Bitcoin anonymously and do few tweaks concerning Bitcoin mixing, you will need the following.

  • Tor browser or VPN like TorGuard to anonymously access the web and DarkNet.
  • A Bitcoin wallet with the amount of Bitcoin that you really want to mix. We recommend you use normal wallet on the clear net in which we will refer to as your “market” wallet. In this article, we will be making use of a Coinbase account.
  • Simple knowledge of how to send and fund a wallet
  • An encrypted, plain text note to keep track of the addresses, IDs, and other information to understand these processes carefully.

How to mix or launder Bitcoins

To mix Bitcoins, you need to connect TorGuard and create a normal wallet. We will be using a standard wallet created from This is basically from the web, meaning that I don’t have to install or use anything apart from TorGuard, and this process only needs your email address to begin.

You need to know that you are likely to spend at least an hour on your first tasks, plus how long the actual mixing process takes place.

How to set up a burner email and an anonymous wallet

How to Mix Bitcoins and Send Bitcoin Anonymously

To do this, I know you don’t want to set up using own email address, right? Well, there are lots of services that offer free burner address to use and such services include Guerilla Mail, but they usually delete the email accounts within few hours, so need to be fast when using it. We also need access to our accounts for the two-step verification purposes for several hours, and this depends on how the mixing process takes.

Due to these reasons, we will make use of Mailinator. We have used Mailinator because the email sent to it is licensed automatically under a public domain. This service does not need registration, and this means it is ideal for remain anonymous. Also, know that Mailinator deletes emails stored in it in few hours, but it does not delete the email address itself. You can produce any email at your own wish as far as it has “” domain.

The emails we are going to be receiving will not contain any sensitive account credential, so Mailinator is perfect for what we need. Here are few steps for you to follow:

  • While using VPN, all you need to do is to go to the website and sign up for a Bitcoin wallet instantly.
  • Check your burner email address. In this article, we opened [email protected] as your email address (you can use any name you want, as far it has the domain name as said earlier). Please do not use a password that you have used for some of your accounts because it can be traced. Check for the terms and service agreement and click continue.
  • A new page will be opened and you will be brought to a dashboard page where you will see your new and empty wallet, which has no ties to you in any way.
  • Open a new tab and go to Mailinator. Enter the burner email handle that you have created and check your inbox immediately.
  • In your inbox, you will see a verification email for Please verify the creation of your new wallet.
  • Make a note of your wallet ID, because you will need it to log into the wallet dashboard and send Bitcoin anonymously. Make sure you have encrypted that file. Please always know that wallet ID and wallet address are different when it comes to their meanings.

Note: Do not save your password in a plain text or even in an encrypted note. At least, you can note them down in your password manager.

What you have just created is an intermediary wallet. Since you have used a TorGuard, it will not be associated with you in any way. Also, know that you need not access your intermediate wallet from the clear Net. Always use Tor or VPN like TorGuard.

The reason we are using an intermediary wallet is due to the fact that sending Bitcoin directly from your market wallet to a mixing service looks suspicious.

Creating your final wallet

The third wallet will be the final destination of our mixed Bitcoins. With this, we will be able to spend freely without anyone noticing or tracing the transactions back to you. The wallet we are about to open is the “mixer” wallet. To create the wallet, you need to follow the same step as the first section using TorGuard. To create anonymity, you need to further break the connection between you and your mixer wallet. To do this, you need to create multiple addresses; to do this is you need to,

  • From your wallet dashboard, go to settings
  • Click Manage
  • Click add next address.

Mixing your Bitcoin

To do this, you need to use a third-party service. We recommend you use Helix by Grams. Always double and triple check your onion address and make sure the mixer you are using is legitimate. This can be difficult because many Tor hidden services like Grams don’t have SSL certificate and HTTPS addresses.

Choosing a mixer/tumbler

We have lots of surplus of third-party tumblers to choose from when mixing Bitcoin. In this article, we have chosen Helix by Grams in this tutorial because it doesn’t require registration and it has a good reputation and it is simple to use. It also operates Tor Hidden service, and processes transactions quickly. You can also use this service to send Bitcoin anonymously.

We recommend against using conjoined mixing services by your wallet or exchange, such as’s shared send. These will not adequately cover your tracks. We also recommend to set your own fee and add a time delay to send Bitcoin anonymously. If you set the fee yourself it becomes more difficult to associate a transaction with a specific service.

Passion for Cyber Security and Technology.

1 Comment

  1. 3 different wallets or different addresses? why an email that will only receive mail?


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