
WPA2 Cracked – is your Wi-Fi Under Threat?

Since the rise of the Internet, hackers, developers, scientists, engineers and informatics wizards worked to develop new software options, apps, programs, web pages, all kinds of sites, and many useful things to help improve the online experience for the average user. Most of these things can be considered positive for the Internet landscape. However, not everything is roses and daisies. The virus...[Read More]

10 Signs that You Might have been Hacked

Using the internet is extremely useful, and not to mention that it’s also fun. You get to watch movies, listen to music, download and play games and do pretty much anything else that you want. Thanks to that, it’s easy to forget that there are many online dangers. One of the biggest issue when it comes to using the internet is the cyber security of the user. Sure, antimalware and antiv...[Read More]

5 Ways Your Digital Device Could Be Hacked

Since we live in an age where we rely so heavily on technology, it’s important to be remembered about its security risks, from time to time. The situation in our homes, but in public as well, is not as it used to be. We’re no longer safe just because no one’s openly threatening us, and most of the attacks on you will be hidden, stealthy, quiet, and it will probably cause more dam...[Read More]

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