My name is Tom Spark and I’ve been writing and creating content for Best10VPN since 2015.
Since then, has become an authority in the VPN review space since we don’t take sponsored reviews or receive money to edit VPN ratings. In fact, if you’re here to inquire whether I can put your VPN in top rankings for a SWEET CPA deal or some $, then sorry, we don’t do things that way. Unfortunately, we might be the only VPN Review site that does things the honest way.
We don’t change our ratings with incentives that could jeopardize our credibility in this space. Our reviews are 100% objective based on tests and knowledge we’ve gained from the VPN industry. We monetize the website by signing up through affiliation programs but we do not receive monetary compensation to edit or boost review ranks.
On the site, you can find helpful guides, tutorials, and reviews all based on the wonderful technology of VPN.