
5 of the Strangest Things Ever Done with a Stolen Identity

Even though movie industry has made more than a few exciting adventures of identity thieves, where the leading role is a lovable anti-hero, or perhaps even a regular hero with a really, really good explanation, the real life identity thieves aren’t that lovable or charming at all. People who would do that in real life are pretty much always dangerous sociopaths unless they’re just regu...[Read More]

Data of 30 million Facebook Users Got Harvested by Trump Campaign Affiliate

An unusual survey that was connected to Facebook has appeared on internet message boards back in 2014. Many freelance workers that were bidding on “human intelligence tasks” have visited these boards. These freelancers were a part of Mechanical Turk, an online marketplace controlled by Amazon. The jobs that these “turkers” would perform were pretty repetitive, and they included d...[Read More]

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