
Nintendo Switch – Do I Need A VPN

Another new incarnation of the Nintendo consoles, and 7th in line, at that, has appeared recently and many of the loyal fans that grew up on games like Mario Kart and Zelda were astounded by this news. The new console, called The Nintendo Switch, aims to blur the lines that many have found between mobile and traditional gaming. It was released in the beginning of last month, on March 3rd, to be pr...[Read More]

Guide to Tracking and Watching YouTube Channels Anonymously

In the recent period, mostly during the last month, many corporation’s ads have been airing on YouTube videos that were considered distasteful and contained hateful opinions, extremist and racist content and alike. The companies whose ads aired during these videos include Verizon, Volkswagen, AT&T, Coca-Cola and many more. Many of these companies decided to remove their ads in fear of be...[Read More]

China Blocked VPNs – A Detailed Solution Here!

Not all of the world countries allow access to same online content, and as you might be aware, China is one of the ones that take their censorship very seriously. Many of the websites are blocked in China, including Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and even Google+. The list doesn’t stop there, though, but it’s too long, so we decided not to list them all. So, if you’d like to work fr...[Read More]

Can Posting Selfies Online Get You Hacked?

When it comes to selfies, it’s important to realize just how wildly popular this trend has become. It’s believed that over half of all the men between 18 and 24 have been known to take selfies and a lot more than half of all the women of the same age. It’s pretty astounding when you think about it, just how much we enjoy taking a picture of ourselves. But, of course, simply takin...[Read More]

What Would you Give for Free Wi-Fi? Probably More Than You Think

When most people go about their usual business, every now and then they look at their phone and see a free WiFi that was left unlocked. Most will then immediately proceed to connect to the network, not thinking twice about it. Most will then be robbed of their personal information from their social media, emails, online shopping, and even online banking. Public networks are a dangerous place and a...[Read More]

How Your Household Items Could Be Spying On Your “Everything”

In this day and age, where every other item in your house has an internet connection, microphone, speaker, camera and GPS, it’s really easy for anyone from hackers to your own government to spy on you and your activities. The ever-growing IoT (Internet of Things) is making this a regular part of our lives, We wanted to make sure that you fully understand the dangers of having all of this spy...[Read More]

Hide Your IP to Stop Your ISP from Spying On You

If you’re reading this, you’ve obviously decided that you’re not safe enough with your online signature and data flow exposed for everyone to see, and you’ve decided to take steps and protect yourself. Great idea! You’ve come to the right place, and we’ll be happy to help you and explain what methods can you use and recommend the best options. First that you nee...[Read More]

The Complete Guide to Removing Yourself From Scammer Contact Lists

Scammers are skilled and clever people who make a living from scamming others. They’re criminals who’ve led the arts of manipulation and deception to perfection, and a quick Google search for the phrase “scam horror stories” should be able to show you just how much they can do if they want to. Of course, you don’t want anything to do with them, since having any connec...[Read More]

5 Quick Tips You Should Teach Your Kids About Data Privacy

For some people, the Internet is a scary place, a terrifying wilderness where anything is possible, and that’s better not to get involved with it at all. This sort of thing was possible once, but it’s becoming harder and harder to do. For some of the adults, trying to live without the internet is hard, but still possible if you’re determined. For your children, it’s complet...[Read More]

7 Data Privacy Tips You Can Learn from Teens

Today’s teenagers are always online, always connected to the Internet, the world and each other. Wherever you look, you see teens and young adults texting, tweeting, liking, taking selfies, posting pictures, and staring at their phones, tablets, and laptops, doing who knows what on their preferred social media. This is the generation that grew up with this technology, and it’s their wo...[Read More]

5 Ways Your Digital Device Could Be Hacked

Since we live in an age where we rely so heavily on technology, it’s important to be remembered about its security risks, from time to time. The situation in our homes, but in public as well, is not as it used to be. We’re no longer safe just because no one’s openly threatening us, and most of the attacks on you will be hidden, stealthy, quiet, and it will probably cause more dam...[Read More]

How to Unblock Websites at Yale

Yale University is one of the most iconic schools in the world. The school has been in operation for more than 300 years and continues to be a prominent school for business and legal studies. It is also home to one of the strongest liberal arts programs in the United States. You would think that a school like Yale would offer plenty of freedom online, what with it being a place where people are op...[Read More]

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