Unblock-US and UnoTelly Services Gutted after Paypal Restrictions

Best VPN for Netflix-

Many a VPN and SmartDNS solutions serve users by letting them access restricted content. The main way these services work is by changing a user’s IP address to another location so that they can access content without geo-restrictions. Since Netflix’s aggressive push towards enforcing geo-restrictions, Paypal has also proven aggressive by edging out proxy providers that allow users to get access to protected content. Is accessing content and avoiding geo-restrictions that big of a deal, though? Australia doesn’t think so.

Regardless of what Australia thinks, Paypal doesn’t like proxies that let users access Netflix without restrictions. SmartDNS and VPN providers Unblock-US and UnoTelly are two such victims. Both websites were cut off entirely from PayPal–a major payment provider that can drastically affect the effectiveness of checkout options on these sites. By blocking of these sites, Paypal is directly hurting their revenue, traffic, and even validity.

Unotelly has made drastic changes to its web site to adapt to the changes published by Netflix and enforced to Paypal–so much so that you can see it clearly in these two images here:

Unblock-US and UnoTelly Services Gutted after Paypal Restrictions

Before Paypal cut off services. 

Unblock-US and UnoTelly Services Gutted after Paypal Restrictions

After Paypal cut off services.

For those of you using these services, you’re out of luck. However, if you’re looking for a guide to help you find a working VPN for Netflix, you’ve come to the right place.  We couldn’t ever recommend Unotelly since they don’t offer security as a Smart DNS service. They also only offer a PPTP VPN, which isn’t as secure as an OpenVPN protocol VPN.

If you’re looking for the best VPN for Netflix, I’d recommend TorGuard VPN. They’ve been very outspoken about working against Netflix, and while they’ve quieted down to avoid Paypal restrictions, their services are still working alive and well with Netflix with a new dedicated IP address integration and live Netflix servers that work very well with streaming. They also just released a new Netflix server in Hong Kong for those of you in China. Simply talk to their live chat to get a IP address that works with Netflix.

If you’re interested in TorGuard VPN, subscribe to our Newsletter for a free 20% discount.

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1 Comment

  1. Guys, Unblock-us is over charging even more than twice a month, I have cancelled my subscription and they still charging me, I had to cancelk my credit card. And, the worst thing is that they don’t reply emails… Be careful with this company, they are untrusted!!!


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